Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.和AK Steel Holding Corporation宣布延长交换要约和同意征求的到期日

  • 两家公司预计合并将于3月13日提前完成
  • 延长的到期日与较早的截止日期一致
  • 各公司已获得必要的同意,以实施对AK钢铁契约的拟议修订

俄亥俄州皇冠体育和西切斯特——(皇冠体育官网商业资讯)——皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司(纽约证券交易所代码:CLF)(“皇冠体育斯”)和AK钢铁控股公司(纽约证券交易所代码:AKS)(“AK Steel”)今天宣布,他们已将先前宣布的Cliffs的交换要约(各为“交换要约”,统称为“交换要约”)和AK Steel Corporation (AK Steel的全资子公司)的同意征求(各为“同意征求”,统称为“同意征求”)的到期日延长至纽约时间2020年3月13日上午6:00(同样可以进一步延长)。“到期日”)。交换要约和征求同意书的所有其他条款仍按发售备忘录和征求同意书声明(定义见下文)的规定执行。如前所述,已收到必要的同意,对AK Steel Corporation根据交换要约和征求同意书(“AK Steel notes”)发行的票据(“AK Steel notes”)进行某些修订,以消除该等契约中的某些契约、限制性条款和违约事件(“修订”)。

如前所述,Cliffs和AK Steel已达成一项协议和合并计划(“合并协议”),除其他事项外,并在满足或放弃(在合法范围内)某些条件的情况下,将Cliffs的一家子公司与AK Steel合并,AK Steel将作为Cliffs的全资子公司继续存在(“合并”)。

交换要约是根据2020年1月14日发行备忘录和征求同意声明(修订后的“发行备忘录和征求同意声明”)中规定的条款和条件提出的,并以合并完成和满足发行备忘录和征求同意声明中所述的某些其他条件为条件。皇冠体育斯和AK钢铁公司目前预计,到期日将延长,以配合完成合并的日期。因此,“到期日”可以延长一次或多次。目前,Cliffs预计将在到期日之前提供任何此类延期通知。结算日预计为到期日。Cliffs和AK Steel Corporation保留终止、撤回、修改或延长发行备忘录和征求同意声明中所述的交换要约和征求同意声明的权利。投标的AK Steel票据可在到期日之前的任何时间撤回。


AK Steel Notes的系列名称/CUSIP编号




AK Steel Notes截至纽约时间2020年2月11日下午3点投标





6.375% 2025 / 001546AV2到期优先票据







7.00% 2027 / 001546AU4到期的优先票据







AK钢铁公司和AK钢铁契约下的受托人(“AK钢铁受托人”)已对每个AK钢铁契约执行补充契约,以实施修订。但是,修正案在以下情况下才会生效:(i) Cliffs向适用AK Steel Notes的合格持有人(定义见下文)的存管信托公司交付应支付给该等合格持有人的总金额,作为同意付款,根据发行备忘录和征求同意声明中就有效交付且未根据该等协议撤销的同意所规定的条款和条件;以及Cliffs或AK Steel Corporation以书面形式通知AK Steel受托人该等交付已经完成,且cliff或AK Steel Corporation不能放弃该条件;(ii)根据发行备忘录和征求同意声明的条款,Cliffs已接受交换要约中有效投标(而非有效撤回)的AK Steel票据;(iii)合并已经完成。该条件不能被Cliffs或AK Steel Corporation放弃,以及(iv) cliff或AK Steel Corporation已满足或以其他方式合法放弃同意征求的其他条件(如适用)。

提供备忘录和同意征集声明和其他文件的交换提供了和同意请求和只会分配给符合条件的AK钢铁笔记的持有者完成并返回一种资格确认,他们要么是(a)一个“合格的机构买家”这个词的定义在144规则在1933年的证券法案,修订,或(b)一个人是在“皇冠体育官网”,(我)不是一个“皇冠体育官网“个人”,这些术语的定义见1933年《证券法》修订版第902条。“合资格受要约人”(定义见发售备忘录及征求同意声明)(该等持有人,简称“合资格持有人”)。希望获得并填写资格表格的AK Steel票据持有人可访问网站,或致电全球债券持有人服务公司,即交换要约和同意征求的信息代理和交换代理,电话:(866)924-2200(免费电话)或(212)430-3774(银行和经纪人收费)。




关于AK Steel

AK Steel是一家领先的轧制碳,不锈钢和电工钢产品生产商,主要用于汽车,基础设施和制造业,包括电力,分销商和转换器市场。通过其子公司,该公司还为客户提供碳管和不锈钢管产品,热冲压和冷冲压部件以及模具设计和模具解决方案。该公司总部位于俄亥俄州西切斯特(大辛辛那提),拥有约9300名员工,在皇冠体育官网、加拿大和墨西哥设有制造业务,并在西欧设有工厂。


This communication contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this communication, words such as “anticipate,” “assume,” “believe,” “build,” “continue,” “create,” “design,” “estimate,” “expect,” “focus,” “forecast,” “future,” “goal,” “guidance,” “imply,” “intend,” “look,” “objective,” “opportunity,” “outlook,” “plan,” “position,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “prospective,” “pursue,” “seek,” “strategy,” “target,” “work,” “could,” “may,” “should,” “would,” “will” or the negative of such terms or other variations thereof and words and terms of similar substance may identify forward-looking statements, including statements with respect to the businesses, strategies and plans of AK Steel and Cliffs, their expectations relating to the Merger, including the expected benefits of the proposed Merger and the anticipated completion of the proposed Merger or the timing thereof, and their respective future financial condition and performance and expectations, estimates and projections about Cliffs’ or AK Steel’s respective industries or businesses. Cliffs and AK Steel caution investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Among the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements are the following: the risk that the Merger Agreement may be terminated in accordance with its terms and that the Merger may not be completed; the possibility that Cliffs shareholders may not approve the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, including the issuance of Cliffs common shares in connection with the Merger; the possibility that AK Steel stockholders may not adopt the Merger Agreement; the risk that the parties may not be able to satisfy any or all of the conditions to the completion of the Merger in a timely manner or at all; the risk that governmental agencies may require Cliffs to agree to certain restrictions on the combined company’s business in order to obtain the required regulatory approvals for the Merger, which may negatively impact the combined company’s results of operations; the risk that the Merger may be less accretive than expected, or may be dilutive, to Cliffs’ earnings per share, which may negatively affect the market price of Cliffs common shares; the possibility that Cliffs and AK Steel will incur significant transaction and other costs in connection with the Merger, which may be in excess of those anticipated by Cliffs or AK Steel; the risk that the financing transactions to be undertaken in connection with the Merger have a negative impact on the combined company’s credit profile or financial condition; the risk that Cliffs may fail to realize the benefits expected from the Merger; the risk that the combined company may be unable to achieve anticipated synergies or that it may take longer than expected to achieve those synergies; the risk that any announcements relating to, or the completion of, the Merger could have adverse effects on the market price of Cliffs common shares; the risk related to any unforeseen liability and future capital expenditure of AK Steel or Cliffs; the risk that pending litigation relating to the Merger and any potential future litigation against Cliffs, AK Steel or their respective directors may delay or prevent the completion of the Merger; the risks related to Cliffs’ ability to issue new senior notes or obtain a new revolving credit facility in connection with the Merger on favorable terms, if at all; the risk that the Merger and its announcement or completion could have an adverse effect on the ability of Cliffs and AK Steel to retain customers, retain and hire key personnel and/or maintain relationships with their suppliers and business partners; and the risk of any changes in general economic, market or business conditions, or changes in the economic or financial condition of Cliffs and AK Steel. Other risks to Cliffs and AK Steel and factors that may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements or that could have a material adverse effect on Cliffs’ and AK Steel’s respective financial condition, operating results, credit rating, liquidity and businesses generally are described under the caption “Risk Factors” in Cliffs’ and AK Steel’s respective Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 and other periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) as well as in the Registration Statement (as defined below).

除非另有明确说明,否则前瞻性陈述是基于Cliffs和AK Steel各自管理团队基于当前可用信息的期望和信念。前瞻性陈述受到固有风险和不确定性的影响,并基于假设和估计,这些假设和估计本质上受Cliffs和AK Steel各自的运营和商业环境的影响,包括经济、竞争、监管和运营风险,其中许多超出了Cliffs和AK Steel的控制范围,难以预测,可能会被证明是错误的。上述列举的因素不应被认为是详尽无遗的。不保证前瞻性陈述的行动、事件或结果将会发生,或者,如果发生的话,不保证它们将在何时发生,也不保证它们将对Cliffs或AK Steel的运营结果、财务状况或现金流产生什么影响。鉴于这些不确定性,Cliffs和AK Steel提醒投资者不要过分依赖任何前瞻性陈述。此外,任何前瞻性陈述仅在其发表之日发表,除非法律要求,cliff和AK Steel不承担更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述以反映其发表之日之后的事件或情况,或反映预期或未预期事件或情况的发生的义务。


关于拟议的合并,Cliffs向SEC提交了表格S-4的注册声明(文件编号为333-235855)(经修订并可能不时补充,简称“注册声明”),该声明于2020年2月4日由SEC宣布生效,其中包括Cliffs和AK Steel的联合代理声明,并构成Cliffs的招股说明书。2020年2月4日,AK Steel向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交了与拟议合并有关的最终联合代理声明/招股说明书。Cliffs和AK Steel还可能向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交有关拟议合并的其他文件。本通讯不能替代注册声明或cliff或AK Steel可能向SEC提交的任何其他此类文件。敦促投资者和证券持有人阅读注册声明、最终联合代理声明/招股说明书和任何其他已提交或将提交给SEC的相关文件,以及对这些文件的任何修订或补充。仔细和完整的,因为它们包含或将包含有关拟议交易和相关事项的重要信息。Cliffs和AK Steel于2020年2月5日左右开始分别向Cliffs的股东和AK Steel的股东邮寄最终的联合委托书/招股说明书。投资者和证券持有人可在SEC网站www.sec.gov免费获取注册声明、最终联合代理声明/招股说明书以及向SEC提交的其他文件的副本。Cliffs向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交的文件也可在其网站www.shxigumohe.com免费获取,或致电216.694.6544与Cliffs的投资者关系部门联系。AK Steel向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交的文件也可在其网站www.aksteel.com免费获得,或致电513.425.5215与AK Steel的投资者关系部门联系。


Cliffs和AK Steel及其各自的某些董事和执行人员可被视为就拟议合并征求代理的参与者。有关Cliffs董事和高级管理人员的信息,包括通过证券持有或其他方式对其直接或间接利益的描述,载于2019年3月12日提交给皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会(SEC)的2019年年度股东大会代理声明附表14A。有关AK Steel董事和高管的信息,包括通过证券持有或其他方式对其直接或间接利益的描述,载于AK Steel 2019年年度股东大会的代理声明中,该声明已于2019年4月10日提交给皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会附表14A。有关这些参与者利益的其他信息包含在最终的联合代理声明/招股说明书和注册声明中,以及在此类材料可用时向皇冠体育官网证券交易委员会提交的其他相关材料中。这些文件的免费副本可从上述来源获得。



皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯投资者关系:Paul Finan董事,投资者关系(216)694-6544

媒体:Patricia Persico主管,企业传播(216)650-0168

AK Steel投资者关系:Douglas O. Mitterholzer总经理,投资者关系(513)425-5215

